A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Warriors: Clans Divided is a multiplayer Warriors fan-game. Create and customize your own cat, join or create your own clan, hunt alone or with a patrol! Declare your own clan rules and defend your territory! If clan life doesn't suit you, then play as a loner and fend for yourself!

This is a multiplayer-only experience, currently suitable for roleplaying and light casual competitive gameplay. You or a friend should have general knowledge of port forwarding, if enough donations are made there is a possibility for official game servers made for large quantities of players.

Warriors: Clans Divided has been in development since 2018. If you enjoy this type of content, consider becoming my patron! I continue to create interactable Warriors content for everyone to enjoy. Everything helps <3

Join the game's Discord server so you can arrange sessions and discuss the game!


warriorscd-windows.zip 144 MB
Version 4 May 09, 2022
warriorscd-osx.zip 155 MB
Version 2 Feb 02, 2022
warriorscd-linux.zip 188 MB
Version 1 Feb 02, 2022

Install instructions


In order to HOST, you must know how to port forward and know some basics about this subject.

There are plenty of tutorials and videos explaining this process, starting with knowing your router.

The game's port is: 7777

Before continuing, note that sharing your IP to strangers can be dangerous, it can identify who/where you are, play with those you trust.